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HomeCelebrityViral Compilation Video Highlights the Horrible Public Treatment of a Young Justin...

Viral Compilation Video Highlights the Horrible Public Treatment of a Young Justin Bieber

In a viral compilation video that’s making waves across social media, the first clip shows a young Justin Bieber experiencing an uncomfortable moment at the American Music Awards. In the clip, Bieber, just 18 years old at the time, is grabbed and kissed by Jenny McCarthy, who was 40. As Bieber finally breaks free, he addresses the audience with an uneasy laugh, saying into the microphone, “Wow! I feel violated right now!”

The third clip in the compilation shows a woman asking Bieber, “You have to be naked on stage during one full song, one full song.” Bieber is clearly awkward and responds, “I have little girl fans, I can’t just,” before he is cut off and she replies, “Imagine there were no laws.” The Beaux Media team has found a full clip of the uncomfortable interaction, where Kris Jenner can be seen sitting between Bieber and the host.

Another clip in the compilation shows an awkward encounter between Justin Bieber and James Corden at the Brits when Bieber was just 16 years old. James Corden takes a weird angle, asking the teenager to “Lean into me again!… You smell amazing!” The entire awkward encounter can be seen here: 

The compilation video sheds light on the troubling treatment of young stars and how it affects them later in life, especially regarding their mental health. The top comments on the video are all sympathetic, with many people expressing how awful it was that Bieber had to endure such experiences as a young star. 

In recent years, Justin Bieber has taken steps to regain control of his life and career. He has become an advocate for mental health, openly discussing his experiences and encouraging others to seek help. His journey has highlighted the need for better protection and support for young artists in the industry.

Bieber’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the potential mistreatment young stars can face. It underscores the importance of providing comprehensive support to young talents, ensuring their well-being is prioritized over profit. As the industry evolves, Bieber’s experiences could pave the way for more ethical practices, creating a safer and more nurturing environment for future generations of artists.


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