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Ozzy Osbourne’s doctors say his Parkinson’s disease is one of the “mildest” cases they have seen

Ozzy Osbourne has clarified he is not suffering from “Parkinson’s per se” and says medics have told him he has one of the “mildest” forms of the condition they have seen. 

The Black Sabbath frontman, 74, was diagnosed with the potentially terminal condition in 2020 and other health woes have seen him forced to use a walking stick, but he has now said it is a rare form of the condition called “Parkin Two” which is not “Parkinson’s per se”.

He was quoted by the Daily Star on Monday (06.03.23) saying: “OK, let me tell you something. This Parkinson’s is not Parkinson’s. It is Parkin Two.

“It’s something to do with chromosomes. It is very, very rare. My Parkinson’s doctor said, ‘You know what? You must be the mildest case I’ve ever seen.’

“P2 is not Parkinson’s as per se, as Michael J Fox has, it is not a progressive thing. I could stay like this for the rest of my life.

“And I don’t walk around going, ‘F***, I’ve got Parkinson’s.’ I never think about it. I just go, ‘OK.’

“I said to the doctor, is it terminal? He said, ‘What you’ve got, no.’”

But the rocker also admitted: “I’ve never been ill this long in my f****** life. I’m trying as best as I can. I’m not done yet.”

He said earlier this month he wanted fans to know he was “not f****** dying” as he battled his form of Parkinson’s.

Ozzy added he has been working his “guts out” to get back on his feet after he was forced to axe all of his shows for 2023 over his health issues, but admitted he can’t guarantee when he will be back on the road.

He said on the latest episode of SiriusXM’s ‘Ozzy Speaks’: “Well, I’ve been working my guts out to try and get back on my feet. I’ve come to the point where Sharon (Osbourne – who is still his manager) says to me, ‘You know what? The truth of the matter is you can’t keep booking tours and failing, cancelling.’ “So, if I can ever get back to where I can tour again, fine. But right now, if you said to me, ‘Can you go on the road in a month?’ I couldn’t say yes. “I mean, if I could tour, I’d tour. But right now I can’t book tours because right now I don’t think I could pull them off.”

Ozzy has said even though his voice is fine, a spinal injury he sustained four years ago has left him weak.

But he hit out at reports he was retiring, saying: “The f****** Press drive you nuts. I mean, I looked in the magazine: ‘Ozzy’s on his last legs.’ “I’m f****** not dying… come on, guys. Haven’t I had it bad enough already?

“If I get okay today, if the doctor said to me today, ‘Oh, you can tour,’ it would take another six months to get it together, you know?”

Source: Bang Showbiz


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