Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeOff The NewsElectronic alarm that can stop people daydreaming

Electronic alarm that can stop people daydreaming

Scientists have developed an electric alarm that stops people from daydreaming by sounding an alert when the mind wanders. 

Scientists have developed an electric alarm that can stop people from daydreaming.

Boffins have come up with a device that can identify when a person is losing concentration based on their brain activity and sound an alarm whenever it happens.

A small study of 36 people under the age of 60 revealed that people given the treatment daydream significantly less often.

The investigation required those involved to press a key every time a number flashed up on screen, unless it was the number three.

After identifying when people’s minds were wandering, the researchers sounded the alarm and found that it had a positive influence on their performance in the task.

Dr. Issaku Kawashima, who led the study, said: “Our ultimate goal is to develop neurofeedback training which allows people to manage their mind-wandering in a beneficial manner.”

Source: Bang Showbiz


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